
The city and the book conference: VIII call for papers

The city and the book conference: VIII call for papers
Monta Amiata, Tuscany - 28 july 2018

For centuries the Anglo-Saxon Codex Amiatinus, the huge and most authoritative version of Jerome’s Vulgate Bible we have, was stored in a cupboard in the monastery church of San Salvatore, Monte Amiata, Tuscany. In 1587 Pope Sixtus V had it be consulted it for the Sistine Vulgate that preceded the Clementine Vulgate. Then Napoleon looted it for the Laurentian Library in Florence.
The conference will centre on the production of Bibles, in Latin and the vernacular, scribal and oral, carried out in Vivarium by Cassiodorus, in Whitby by St Hilda with Caedmon, on Lindisfarne by St Cuthbert with the Lindisfarne Gospels, at Wearmouth-Jarrow by Benedict Biscop, Ceolfrith and Bede with the Codex Amiatinus, and Iona’s Book of Kells. The conference is ecumenical.
Accepted papers will be published on the Web and can be presented in person or virtually. Abstracts may be submitted for consideration to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 1 June 2018
