- Address:
Fondazione Giuseppe Sarto
via Giuseppe Sarto 29 - 31039 Riese Pio X (TV)
Cell. +39 338 2354439
Fax +39 0423 483050
- Visiting Hours:
Tuesday to Friday: from 9.30 to 12.30
Saturday and Sunday: 9.30-12.30 / 14.30-17.30 (after Easter from 15 to 18)
Group visits ONLY by reservation by writing to the email address (see below) or by contacting during the opening hours the number 0423 483929 or cell 338 2354439.
Weekly closing MONDAY
The Museo Casa Natale di San Pio X will be closed every Monday and on the days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve (25,26,27,28,29,30,31 December and 1 January)
Closed also the days of Holy Saturday and Easter, May 1, April 25, November 1 and December 8.
- Website:
- Contact:
Museo Casa Natale San Pio X - Riese Pio X (TV)
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